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Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 3 – Rethinking you dreams as goals and knowing with certainty that you can accomplish them

My Dream is to spend my life helping others to be happier and healthier human beings. Something about the word dream, infers that it might not be attainable, that you could spend your whole life chasing it. Over the past few days, I have been spending some time analyzing the language that we / I use. I figured that at this important juncture on my new path, so freshly moving down a new fork in my road, I would look closely at the words that I use as I work towards defining more clearly, my renewed life plan.

Aspirations, Goals, Dreams, Aims, why do we accomplish some and not others. Asides from the obvious reasons, not working hard enough not committing to them etc, I am learning that a lot has to do with the way that we actually phrased it to ourselves in the first place. For instance, I have been tying in the word "crazy" in my description of this project, and I am realizing that is a genuine emotion I feel about it, only in a very small way, but I need to get to the point where it doesn't feel crazy at all, a point where it feels absolute. I promised that I would be totally honest along the journey. Right now, I want to be absolute, but part of me still feels like it is a little crazy, a little too lofty. I am working to eradicate that feeling and replace it with certainty. It seems like language might be the key to that. The more that I say " I am certain that I can accomplish my goal of raising 200K and go to space, so that I can use my experience to help others accomplish their goals and live happier and healthier lives" the more concrete that will become in my mind and then take roots in my life.

By allowing it to have less than certainty, it seems to be floating a little, taking shape, defining itself further, but floating a little still, not yet grounded and therefore unable to take root. I apologize for all of the metaphors but they are so appropriate right now and representative of how I am feeling. If this idea of mine were a tree, it is in the pot still, on the way home from the tree store and it needs to find a permanent spot in my mind where it can grow roots, become permanent and then I can make it grow. As long as it is in the pot, I can still return it, once I plant it, it will be there for a long time. Seems like some visualization might be in order.

Today's project, plant my tree. Eliminate the word crazy and communicate with certainty each time I discuss this topic. Say it outloud, write it down, type it, think it, see it happening in my future, not in my imagination but in my future.

Today I am firmly making my Dreams into my Goals.

GOAL –noun

the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.

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