I know there are a lot of friends and family reading this, and it goes to show that actually getting people to click and make a donation is difficult, even your friends and family don’t do it right away. There are many of you that have been meaning to and likely know that you have lots of time so you have just put it off. We all get inundated with so many commercials and suffer from marketing overload, and so we actually consciously act very infrequently. The premise of this whole project is to prove that I can get people to act, in good faith, and spend a minute of their time and a dollar of their hard earned, to help me achieve my goal. If you don’t want to do it, I totally appreciate that and I would love to hear why, but remember you could probably just donate a dollar in less time and be done with it? Think of all of the strangers that you have thrown a buck too and they likely just went got a bottle of booze with it. I promise that I will make your donation into something worthwhile.
So I am asking, can you please click on the link below and donate a couple of dollars?
Don't you kind of feel a bit selfish asking for people to donate money for you take a ride to space when there are hundreds of thousands of people in Haiti who could use the money A LOT more than you. Change your plea. Instead of asking for money for a selfish reason, try to get people to help out people who ACTUALLY need it.
ReplyDeleteObviously I am not looking to steal donations that the people in Haiti need. There are always multiple places that we can donate our money to in the world. I am requesting 1$ dollar donations and if you would take the time to read more about the project, it is designed to ultimatley createa non profit that helps people, lots of people, to accomplish their dreams.
ReplyDeleteI am not the Red Cross but I do agree that I can help to promote them as well. I will post a link and promote people donating to them for their work in Haiti. I have worked with the Red Cross before in Disaster relief. Thank you for taking the time to read, but maybe a more thorough examination instead a superficial skim and subsequent superficial opinon.
I love people who flame and then don't leave their name. I'm a bit intrigued by your by your endevor and not quite sure what to think of it. I guess my main curiosity would be about the non-profit. What exactly is the mission? Is it a make a wish type of dream come true helping sick or unfortunate people realize their dreams? Have you put together a business plan?
ReplyDeleteOne other thing I have wondered about, have you thought about the tax implications of raising the money to go to space. You might be able to incorporate it into expenses of the non profit, but that might be stretching it. Paying taxes on a $200k gift would suck.
Best of luck.
Doug, thanks for the defense, I do have a plan, and a group of people who are helping me fine tune it and then I will post it in peices as I go along. The intention for the non profit is to be a broader reaching than sick or "make a wish style". The idea was born when I started to pursue becoming a life coach and realized how many people are paralyzed from beleiving that they can really accomplish anything that they desire. I was in the hospital with Guillain Barre and it occured to me that I have believed I could do anything, but with that being said, I had been moving further and further from actually doing it. So I made a list of the things I always wanted to do as a kid. A few weeks later I jumped on Yahoo and there was virgin galactic.
ReplyDeleteI decided that I would prove that you can do even the seemingly craziest project and this is mine. I need to prove to people by accomplishing this wild and huge project, that there dreams are easy!
The Non profit is going to serve more as a resource or group of resources designed to assist people in their pursuits; a support group, coaching service, mentorship and an ispiration source to make people believe they should pursue their dreams. The underlying premise is that the pursuit itself leads to happiness, and therefore we are aiming to assist people in the pursuit of happiness. That is my Dream, to help people to be as happy as they deserve to be.
As for taxes, I am going to have to claim the donations as income until such a time as we create the non profit, have the space flight donated and in turn donate all of the funds to service the non porfit. Big dreams. Big but attainable dreams.
Thanks again for taking an interest, I hope that answered your question, at least in a superficial way. Please feel free to ask more questions. If you go to the website http://www.iamgoingtospace.com and fill out the guestbook info, I would gladly discuss further via email?
ReplyDeleteJust read your article and I think its great what your doing I always new you would go to space one day. Yeah I heard you were sick awhile back and I'm glad your ok now. Just wanted to say hi its been a long time.
Aime Caines