I am going to space – yes, you heard me – I am going to space.
I decided that we can accomplish anything we set our mind to and with that realization, I decided a trip to outer space wasn’t beyond the realm of possibility. Since coming down with Guillain Barre Syndrome, I have been blessed with a new view of my life. For whatever reason, throughout my hospital stay I was able to maintain a positive attitude. Even after a couple of minor setbacks, I stayed focused on my happiness and remained upbeat – finding the positives in most situations. During this time of reflection, I reevaluated my life and identified what I do and don’t want to be doing with it. One of things that I’ve always been certain of is that I want to spend my life helping others to be as happy and fulfilled as they deserve to be. Ultimately, I want to help motivate others to pursue the happiness that they deserve. What better way to accomplish that goal than to lead by example? With that in mind I have decided to change my life course and commit to becoming a life coach and a personal motivator. I firmly believe that we as human beings can overcome any adversity and that we can achieve anything that we commit ourselves to. I am committing to a pretty lofty goal and I will utilize the experience to learn and prove that we can accomplish anything we set our minds to. At 11:23 on December the 7th, 2009 I made the decision that I am going to space.
In less than five years, I plan to go from a view from my hospital bed to a view from the shuttle, orbiting earth. How am I going to accomplish this you ask? Here goes: For the first time in the history of the United States, Virgin Galactic, a spin-off of Virgin Airlines, will be offering commercial trips to outer space. The cost is $200,000 and you need to put $20,000 down as a deposit. I am going to raise the money, blog about it, document the experience on video, learn as much as I can about how to set goals and achieve them, write a book and aim to teach others as much as I can about this experience along the way. I plan to speak at schools and teach children about setting their sights high to achieve anything they hope for in life. I will speak with adults to prove to them that it is never too late to change your direction and accomplish your dreams. These thoughts I am certain of and so I will set out to prove them. After being affected with Guillain Barre Syndrome and fearing the worse – that I may not see the day where I could hold my newborn baby in my arms. Then relearning to stand, then walk, then run, and finally, being present at my daughter’s birth, I can say with all certainty, that I will raise $200,000 to take that journey into outer space. Most importantly, and the bigger reason for this trip, I will be able to show others that that they can achieve anything that they set their minds to.
To set this in stone – I pledge to:
Commit to do everything I can to accomplish this goal.
Commit to sharing my experience as openly and honestly as I can from this day forward.
Commit to having openness to learning and to finding new ways to define and accomplish goals.
Commit to document all of my experiences in a book and or documentary and to direct all of the proceeds to teaching humans how to live happier and more fulfilled lives and to accomplishing their goals.
To follow my adventure, I initiated a new blog – imgoingtospace.blogspot.com
It may sound crazy to some of you at first, but I challenge the non-believers to at least stop and check in on my progress and watch me make it happen.
The “I’m going to space guy”
Jim Moss
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